Decay: The Remnants of Earth

1.5 The Aeon Megaplex

Lights and Sound

Of the three Terran Megaplexes, Aeon City takes the cake for shear size and mass of population. Spanning thousands of square miles, Aeon is not only the largest city on Terra, but the largest city ever conceived by man. Roughly thirty times the size of pre-apocalyptic New York, Aeon is owned and governed by the Terran Corporate Commonwealth. The Megaplex is a testament to the aspirations and determination of the Megacorporations who control the government. 

Built up from the ruins of old American cities by the Noahns who emerged from the ARC Complexes, Aeon is regarded as the most powerful society on Terra. With its towering tenement blocks and awe inspiring arcologies, it is a city of both wondrous beauty and squalid decay. 


Hundreds of years of industrial activity and human waste have left most of Aeon in shambles, with only the wealthiest districts enjoying unsoiled streets and uncontaminated utilities. Although Aeon is considered a prosperous city, the rich make up only about twenty percent of the total population. The other eighty percent are either slaves to the Megacorps, or slaves to unemployment and crime.

As an inherent side effect of the profusion of water vapor-producing hydrogen cell engines that fill the streets of the city, it rains nearly five days out of the week in the Megaplex. Though this can create a superfluous addition to the already gloomy atmosphere of the city, it does have an added benefit of helping to wash away some of the filth that is in abundance.


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